
 Tai chi (Yang Style) is a Chinese discipline that brings together the mind, body, and spirit to strengthen your physical and mental resolve. The basic principles of Tai Chi involve integrating the mind and body, controlling movements and breathing, and generating internal energy. So how can you use this ancient practice to get moving on Monday? A 30-minute session of Tai Chi might not leave you covered in sweat, but regularly practicing a variety of poses can strengthen the lower- and upper-body, improve flexibility, balance, and aerobic conditioning, and quiet unruly thoughts. Similar to introductory Yoga poses, Tai Chi movements are simple to execute and low-impact, making them easier on the joints and muscles and generally safe for any fitness level. Even people with certain health conditions can practice by making modifications if needed. Tai Chi may be practiced from the comfort of your bedroom or living room, but before giving it a try, talk with one of our experienced instructors who can explain the movements and methods. Frank will be happy to help, telephone him on 07500 847066 for any help or advice. These movements may not be appropriate for all fitness levels, so remember to start slow. If you have concerns or a history of injury, please first check with your doctor to discuss the appropriate course of action.